Saturday, January 30, 2010

A "Silver Tsunami" is coming!!!

Above is a link to an article on caring for an elderly parent, something which has taken a lot of my time and energy the past 18 months. Since Thanksgiving, the care demands have increased, just after I started this blog! I was hoping to post daily, but many days I am going until 8:30-9 pm without stopping or eating since breakfast, and still more to do! I am learning ways to set boundaries, as I have mentioned in previous posts, and moving towards more balance in my life. I have found it is a wonderful opportunity to grow in love, patience, trust and acceptance! I am hoping the situation will improve, as I make these new boundaries, and turn things over sooner to a higher power, through prayer, waiting, watching and listening to the movements of the Spirit! Being disabled, this has been a difficult challenge, but I am enjoying so much drawing on the wisdom, power, provision, favor and presence of God! I apologize to my readers for not posting more regularly! Please be patient with me! I have so much I want to share from my journey and welcome your comments and sharings too! Love, Dee

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

God works in wonderful magical ways!

Click on the link above and read this to enjoy a great story about God giving us what we need when we are concerned for the needs of others!

To my readers: Busy taking care of my mom and unable to post much this past week but getting there soon!

Continue to keep Haiti in your prayers and help if you can! They are going to need help for a long time! We have an extension until the end of February for donations to be deducted for 2009 taxes. See article at the link below.
Fondly, missing you, Dee

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Securing the boundaries!

Working on my boundaries big time! Finding those places in my boundaries that need strengthening and fixing them where broken; where someone has broken through, or I have gradually leaned and bent the boundary to keep someone happy, or avoid their angry reaction to not getting what they want the way they want it! Too much energy is spent trying to make things work out, with all parties getting what they want! I need those strong boundaries for my health: physically, emotionally and spiritually. I need time and energy for a balanced life! Not having the appropriate boundaries is like leaving a gate open for energy to escape or be drained off, or for something toxic to come into my be-ing! No is a complete sentence! Not answering the phone is an answer, even after repeated calls. Not responding to an email is a response even if a response is demanded. Doing what I need to do to take care of my needs is OK no matter what, as long as I do not intentionally hurt anyone else doing it. Accepting how others respond to me is a must. Not everyone will like me anyway. Some may even dislike me. But I can love myself and know if I need to set boundaries to take care of myself, I am still a good person, a great friend, a generous volunteer and a loving, caring daughter, no matter the feedback I get to the contrary, directly or indirectly. Love and take care of your self! When we do, we are more able to love and take care of others! Without resentment or regret! Fondly, Dee

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Where is God in the Haitian Earthquake?

YouTube - Where is God in the Haitian Earthquake?

Here is a link above with a response to Pat Robertson's comment and a better view of the situation, spiritually speaking. Keep up your prayers and donations to Haiti. Text "Haiti" to 90999 to donate $10 to the Red Cross and get billed on your phone bill. Such easy ways to help!! Help is what they need! Hope to be posting more regularly this week! Fondly, Dee

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How You Can Help Haiti Earthquake Victims

How You Can Help Haiti Earthquake Victims - ABC News <----- link for ways to help Please pray for people in Haiti and their families around the world! Pray for survivors to be found! Pray for healing of the injured. Pray for those helping to bring aid! Pray about what you might be willing to give or donate! There are lots of ways to help and lots of good organizations mobilizing to do so! You may be struggling with the why's: Why Haiti? Why people so challenged already? Why people who have been devastated so much by so many problems? No one can answer these questions. We can only look within to ask how are we going to respond. What can I do to help? What am I willing to do? What do I want to do? When and how will I help? These are the only questions that we can answer. The rest is up to others outside our control. The rest is up to God to coordinate through people willing to act as they are inspired to do so. If you do not pray or know how to pray, just think hopeful thoughts about the situation. Repeating talk or thoughts about trauma just creates more negative energy and actually creates harmful chemicals in the brain. I am not saying to ignore things, but thinking hopeful thoughts about people surviving, people helping and thinking how we might help does more than we might imagine. God give them the resources they need to find survivors, heal the injured, and comfort the bereaved, and inspire those that are able to give in any way they can. I heard today that even five dollars helps. If everyone could just give something. The link above goes to a website with ways to help and ways to give. There are many organizations asking for donations in money and goods. God grant me the wisdom to know how I can help! Pass the info on to others. Love, Dee

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Walking the love walk in storms!

Things get tough long enough and I can get short-tempered! I am getting lots of opportunities to learn to act in love even when life is really difficult with "storms" and I am having to deal with aggravating situations! I have been living with stress for much of my life. Originally it came from family members, but I learned to live in stress and actually thrived in it for a while! I was so good with stress I got promoted and quickly rose to the top. Ultimately, my body broke down, being helped by a virus just being discovered this past year. I ended up being disabled which comes with its own stress, physically and financially. Over the years, I learned to live with stress a different way -- learning boundaries, balance and having a close relationship with God. It really has turned out to be a gift to me and many others on my path. Even with boundaries, balance and God, things can get really difficult! I have been dealing with a new difficult situation for 18 months, the ongoing care of an elderly parent. I have cut out almost everything else in order to "manage" my stress. But now I'm finding there are lots of ways of getting added stress besides too many activities. When too many things go wrong, and mistakes are made, it adds stress. When I feel my frustration rise, I talk to God, announcing my limits, as if God did not know. I was feeling I just couldn't take it anymore. Two days without blogging and no end in sight to more difficulties. I prayed (a lot) last night. I woke up and turned on my favorite show, Joyce Meyers, while doing my morning stretches. She was talking about walking in love. As I listened my heart softened and I felt that inner guidance: "this message is for you". I listened a little more closely. She said when things get difficult, it is no reason to step out of our love walk. It is an opportunity to grow a little more into the person we want to be, the person God created us to be. It is a way to learn how to have more joy and peace in our lives. Oh, well! I realized she was right on. I had been dealing with several other parties not doing things right: pharmacists, insurance representatives, assisted living managers, transport coordinators, doctor's office staff, website services - the list goes on. I was getting aggravated by the lack of performance and repeated mistakes and my voice reflected it more each day. I listened to Joyce and realized I did not want to respond to anyone out of my anger, even if a subtle tone of anger in my voice or a slightly sarcastic remark. I learned a long time ago that things go much better without anger and that everyone is trying to do their best with their situation. Anyway, onward and upward. I dealt with 3 more such situations today and I remembered to walk in love! It made me feel better. I was more happy. I had more peace. I know it helped each of the situations get resolved and God was smiling!! Spread some love today, even if the "weather" gets stormy! That is when people need it the most, and that includes you! Love, Dee

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Balancing with boundaries around a 'pleasant land'!

More balancing! Today I am working with boundaries! Without a fence around a garden, or nice property, a pleasant land, anything can wander in and smash the beautiful flowers or leave some 'poo' behind. I know it is fertilizer, but not when dropped in a pathway or where we need to step. My self is like that, a 'pleasant land'. Without boundaries for my mind, body, heart and spirit, things can get in and trash it up, leave 'poo' behind that gets in my way or makes me slip and fall, making me lose my balance! I have to know myself, my beliefs, my needs, my limitations, my emotional self, and my spiritual boundaries. With attention to these, to my feelings, and my own known "symptoms" of dis-ease, I can "diagnose" when my boundaries are not working, have not been defined, have weak spots, or have been crossed. Only I can decide what these boundaries need to be and when they need to be fortified or changed. I have been learning about my boundaries, seems like forever! I still have many opportunities to practice setting them, communicating them, examining them, and changing them. It seems the opportunities get harder and harder, like math exercises in school! The teacher would say: "Now class, let's practice what we've learned!", as if she were learning along with us. God is like that. God does not need to learn, but God is there leading us, teaching us, giving us greater awareness, reminding us of what we have already learned, and showing us new ways of doing things better for a better solution for all! I am practicing boundaries today! And it feels very good, like practicing with any sport or musical instrument, when it gets easier and I can do better and better than before! I am not where I want to be, but I am a lot better than I used to be! Practice, practice, practice! And enjoy your success and progress along the way! Take care of your "pleasant land", your self! Fondly, Dee

Friday, January 8, 2010

Decisions, decisions!!!!

I sometimes hate decisions! I love having options and the freedom to choose. But when there are risks or possible negative consequences, it is very hard for me to decide which alternative to take. I just really hate risks - the risk of failure; the risk of loss or being hurt; the risk of hurting or disappointing someone else. Sometimes there are several or all three kinds of risks involved. Then it really gets difficult. I learned early on to take the 'safest' route, which meant not upsetting anyone else. My life depended on it! I nearly died more than once, and even was clinically dead for a short time, because of the behavior of others. I thought I could keep myself safe by pleasing others. It was an illusion; an illusion that kept me sane and feeling safe. Otherwise, I could not have withstood the feelings of terror, if I knew I really had no control over my safety. But it did not really keep me safe. In the long run, over many years, this habit of pleasing others to my own detriment, led me to serious health problems and long term disability. I had gained the approval, recognition and even financial reward of pleasing others, but I nearly lost my life. I have worked for many years to let go of the fears, to seek and follow God's Will, to try to take care of myself, to discern and live in the truth, to understand my needs and weigh them against the needs of others. I am much better at making decisions that are best for all concerned. But I still have problems when my needs demand that I not meet the needs of another, or even risk hurting them or losing their affection, especially if they mean a lot to me. It is a very hard place to go against the strong desires of others who cannot understand my position or situation. Ultimately, I am responsible for myself. If I do something that causes too much harm to myself, I am not able to carry on or be there for anyone else, and I can cause more harm than good. Today I had to make one of those choices. I needed to rest and could not be there for someone else. I knew the consequences of not resting would affect my health and prevent me from living my life and meeting my responsibilities. I knew that some would not understand, and would even shun me, or at least make me the subject of gossip. But I am learning that my friends understand and love me. God loves me. And we know the truth. I can only make decisions in line with the truth, consistent with who I am and who God wants me to be. The truth will set me free! Free to be who I was meant to be in this world, which is good. And I can even love those others who do not understand, because they are only human, and I might feel the same way in their place, not knowing or possibly understanding the whole truth! Decide for yourselves! Decide for the truth! Decide for the good of all, including yourself! May the truth be yours to know and to set you free! Fondly, Dee

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Balancing Act with a Net!

Well, I slipped again! Too busy to post to my blog yesterday! I think I am learning to follow the Spirit more closely. I had a small meltdown yesterday - too much to do and not enough time to do it! I stopped and prayed for wisdom. I received a call from my mom that she did not want to go for her therapy. She needed it. I did not want to cancel, but had the thought it would give me extra time. This morning I got a call. The therapist was too sick to see my mom. The appointment was cancelled. Wow! Just got a few hours! Got stuff done! It seemed an answer to prayer, but in an unusual way. Can I just believe God has me covered? So I will not fall too far! A net is good, but a pillow is preferable! As I proceed to keep this balancing act, balancing one priority with another, weighing one perceived need in comparison to another, can I pray, relax, let go and see what becomes more clear? Praying for wisdom and clarity each moment is a must! Spending quiet time with God and myself is essential! Being open to possibilities and relaxing my "Must do" 's is a challenge! May God grant you wisdom, clarity, peace and balance! Fondly, Dee

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Balancing Act!

Trying to keep all the balls in the air and dropped one yesterday - did not get to post to my blog! I feel like the guy on the right - I have too many things I am trying to stabilize in my life and nearly ending up losing my balance! I am so much better at balance than I used to be, but lately I am feeling challenged! I think it is one of my growing edges recently! When my life was less dimensional, I was a workaholic, spending 70-80 hours a week on my career, the rest with spouse and little time for anything else. I ended up very sick, permanently disabled and ultimately alone! Today I have learned to set some goals for various areas of my life - God, self, friends, vocation, home management, community, hobbies, creativity and just plain fun! Of course self includes self care, self awareness activities and self-with-self time! Everything seemed to be going well, even my health had improved to the best it had been in many years, and I was on my way to discovering a new vocation. When, blam, I hit a wall! Ouch! That hurt! I thought I was walking through a door and I hit concrete! God had other plans! Then, blam, a large object fell on me out of the blue! Ouch!!!! Now that really hurt!!!! My mom nearly died and I had to take over her care! A year or so and I thought I would be back on my feet! Oops! I slipped! Too much on my plate and I lost my footing! I kept going at the same pace and Ow! I fell! My health deteriorated from being the best it had been to being the worst it had been in several years! I was nearly hospitalized in September and October! Whew! That was close! Don't want to go there again! Gotta' be careful! I am still learning to keep my pace and keep my balance! Got to let go of some things, especially the ones that are not urgent and are wearing me down! We know what those are! Deep inside a small voice tells us "you don't need to be doing this now!" I pray for things to get better - and they get worse! I get grumpy and short tempered - a sure sign I am out of balance and going against God's Will. When things are tough and I pray for God's will, I am learning that the things I am supposed to be doing get easier and I find support in inexplicable ways! The things I am not supposed to be doing just get harder and the people involved get almost abusive (a sure sign of loss of favor and moving into darkness!!!). I want to walk in the light - follow where the Spirit is leading and stay in balance! God show me your will, show me your way, shine your light on my path and teach me to walk more closely with you!!!!! Keep me in balance! Watch your step, mind your footing, observe your pace, listen to the small voice within, don't slip and fall! Fondly , Dee

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Adieu's,goodbye's and farewells--

Today I am thinking about the people who leave our lives as someone dear to me is getting ready to leave our community. I have been with this person in various activities every week for over twenty years. Departures are sad, especially when we have been close to someone, or a person has played a big part in our lives for a long time. It is like a part of you is going away with them. Even a year past can feel like that. I am feeling a bit nostalgic about 2009, even though I was glad to see it go because it brought me much pain and difficulty. But I have grown more this year than I have in many before. I am not glad to see this person go! When we intersect with each other in intimate relationships, where we share ourselves authentically and openly, we risk ourselves and our hearts. It is like combining ingredients in a casserole. Sometimes things get messy, sometimes one ingredient enhances another, sometimes an ingredient overwhelms to the point of a bad taste, or can even give a stomach ache. Often it is in the preparation that things go well. I usually learn what goes well with what and in what quantity. Often when adding new ingredients, I find an even better recipe I can enjoy and pass on to others! That recipe is me! This person has contributed to my growth in many ways and enhanced my life through their presence and actions in it. The road has not always been easy, but ultimately God uses everything for our good, for our growth or for another's, to point out our character flaws through our reactions to each other, giving us a chance to observe and consider alternate choices when things do not feel right or good or are painful. It gives us opportunities to grow by learning to do things better for ourselves, our joy, our peace and for others. I bid adieu for today and mazel tov for your journey! Love, Dee

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Moving on --- onwards & upwards!

This is a picture of the Great Wall of China from the Kamuka Worldwide travel website. Sometimes my life seems like the view in this picture: striving on an upward climb towards a higher place, a place with more spectacular views, a place where I can see more of what lies ahead and a different perspective of where I have already been. I see people who seem to be ahead of me on the path and long for their location or just some information from their viewpoint. I look behind and see others and wonder what they are thinking of where I am. Do they need my help to get where I am? Are they catching up with me and will overtake my progress, getting ahead of me? Am I proceeding faster than they? Can I enjoy the view from where I am? I especially love the fellow traveler alongside while sharing our views and helping each other see things differently, or things we may have missed along the way, or like an old allegory of life, sharing each of our parts of perception to more fully perceive and better understand the truth of the entire reality! The New Year, when time seems to stop for a moment before beginning again, is an opportunity to feel as if I have somehow "finished" a significant segment of my journey, stopping to reflect, celebrate and enjoy, giving me the strength, new resolve, renewed energy and exciting hope for the journey ahead. God bless your journey this new decade with joy and peace, and with fellow travelers at your side along the way that you can share, enjoy and to help you more fully perceive and better understand the paths of your life! Love, Dee

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! It's gonna' be a good, good year!

[Dipdive] Black Eyed Peas Video+Audio » Oprah Feeling / I Gotta Feeling Live at Oprah's 24th Season Kickoff Party

I gotta' feelin'! This year's gonna' be a good, good year!! It's a good thing to be alive!!! God knows what a good year this can be and how. My part is: being aware that I do not know everything; accept my life as it presents itself every moment of each day; and, be open to the myriad of possibilities only a higher power could know are available, provide the avenues to find, and guide me through the journey that is my life. Letting go of control, doing my part, and having a good attitude towards my life, whatever the circumstances, I am open to follow the guidance I can receive, and receive whatever is provided and available for a good, good life, and that can contribute to a better world for all! Click on the link above, a clip from Oprah's show with the Black Eyed Peas, and experience, as shown through music and dance, the attitude towards life that we can have every day and share with others, that spreads to others, as it does in this video, and changes the population around us, and, eventually, changes the world. This can be a good, good year every day! This is the year that the Lord has made available! Let us rejoice!! Get going! En-JOY it!! Live it up, up, up!!! Be yourself! Be in truth! Be in Love! Be open! Let go of whatever limits the possibilities. Take off what binds your flexibility. Rejoice and be happy!!! Happiness is from the inside out, in our lives, for others to enjoy, and for the world! Let it begin with me--- Happy New Year! May your new year be blessed and full of joy and goodness! Dee