Monday, June 27, 2011

Lifted from low places, higher and higher!!

Woke up this morning as I often do, feeling down. Sometimes it is just a vague feeling of doom, but often it is "leftovers" of mental meals about looming problems with negative consequences and no visible solution yet appearing.
This morning I also woke up with physical pain and the fatigue that has lingered for months from my health condition that had deteriorated last year. I quickly move to my morning practices - first and foremost for my spirit: praise and thanksgiving and an expression of my feelings about the pain and lingering fatigue, with a few tears from memories of my painful childhood. I am reminded of promises I rely on: I am healed and whole in Jesus. Those who wait upon God will be lifted up, and shall renew their strength! My spirit moves. My mind shifts gears. The Holy Spirit envelops me and soon I have a different attitude. It is as if someone has lifted me up from falling on my way up my path, which seems so steep and full of many steps lately. The view from standing is better and I see the way to the next steps. Higher and higher I go!!
Some more of my morning conversations with God and on to silent meditation: Be still and know God!!! I get up and the pain is gone. Slowly I feel energy! My strength is renewed! God is good! I turn on my favorite morning show and the TV is on another channel with someone saying: Hope is the answer!!! Praise God, who is always there, speaking to me in many ways, from many sources! Alleluia! Amen!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Let Go and Let God!!!

Is it already the end of June? OMG! Seems like 2011 just started. Mom went to the hospital again at the end of March and then on to rehab. She was just discharged and I am drained. Got some bad news from my immunologist, who told me my blood tests at the end of 2010 showed my system was so down it was as if I had been on chemo for a year! She was concerned and her news sent me back into reality and out of my denial that all was OK!! I am now resting more but getting further behind!! I am realizing that there are even more things that I can let go and still be OK. I still have to take time for being with good friends, for supporting others as a sponsor in a 12-step program, and always trying to be present and loving with whomever is on my path! That is essential for daily peace and guilt-free evenings, which lead to restful sleep. I am letting go more and more and seeing God working in my life in unusual and surprising ways. The more I let go and trust, the more I experience that God truly is there FOR ME, which leads to more trusting and letting go. God is good and always faithful, but not always in the way or the time that I expect or desire!!! It ain't easy, but His yoke is, once I put in on!!! Thank God!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What to Do About Mom and Dad? - ABC News

More about the Silver Tsunami on its way!! A series on ABC evening news this week: What to do about caring for elderly relatives! It takes 10 years off the care giver's life! Yipes! I knew my life felt like it was ebbing away!!!! The last 2 years, and especially 2010, has been an onslaught of overwhelming activity for my mother's care, which has been the reason I have not been able to post to my blog!! Let's learn together about a certain issue rising for most people with relatives who are aging beyond their ability to take care of themselves, a high probability in this age of medical miracles that keep us more healthy in body but not necessarily in mind!!! The link to the initial kickoff story on ABC News last night is below!!