More balancing! Today I am working with boundaries! Without a fence around a garden, or nice property, a pleasant land, anything can wander in and smash the beautiful flowers or leave some 'poo' behind. I know it is fertilizer, but not when dropped in a pathway or where we need to step. My self is like that, a 'pleasant land'. Without boundaries for my mind, body, heart and spirit, things can get in and trash it up, leave 'poo' behind that gets in my way or makes me slip and fall, making me lose my balance! I have to know myself, my beliefs, my needs, my limitations, my emotional self, and my spiritual boundaries. With attention to these, to my feelings, and my own known "symptoms" of dis-ease, I can "diagnose" when my boundaries are not working, have not been defined, have weak spots, or have been crossed. Only I can decide what these boundaries need to be and when they need to be fortified or changed. I have been learning about my boundaries, seems like forever! I still have many opportunities to practice setting them, communicating them, examining them, and changing them. It seems the opportunities get harder and harder, like math exercises in school! The teacher would say: "Now class, let's practice what we've learned!", as if she were learning along with us. God is like that. God does not need to learn, but God is there leading us, teaching us, giving us greater awareness, reminding us of what we have already learned, and showing us new ways of doing things better for a better solution for all! I am practicing boundaries today! And it feels very good, like practicing with any sport or musical instrument, when it gets easier and I can do better and better than before! I am not where I want to be, but I am a lot better than I used to be! Practice, practice, practice! And enjoy your success and progress along the way! Take care of your "pleasant land", your self! Fondly, Dee
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