Well, I slipped again! Too busy to post to my blog yesterday! I think I am learning to follow the Spirit more closely. I had a small meltdown yesterday - too much to do and not enough time to do it! I stopped and prayed for wisdom. I received a call from my mom that she did not want to go for her therapy. She needed it. I did not want to cancel, but had the thought it would give me extra time. This morning I got a call. The therapist was too sick to see my mom. The appointment was cancelled. Wow! Just got a few hours! Got stuff done! It seemed an answer to prayer, but in an unusual way. Can I just believe God has me covered? So I will not fall too far! A net is good, but a pillow is preferable! As I proceed to keep this balancing act, balancing one priority with another, weighing one perceived need in comparison to another, can I pray, relax, let go and see what becomes more clear? Praying for wisdom and clarity each moment is a must! Spending quiet time with God and myself is essential! Being open to possibilities and relaxing my "Must do" 's is a challenge! May God grant you wisdom, clarity, peace and balance! Fondly, Dee
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